Tile Windows Lite is a free software for easily organizing desktop windows. It enables you to move and resize your application windows to show them side by side using a very convenient keyboard shortcuts. This freeware is especially useful if you have a large monitor and you want to split windows for enhancing your workflows.

Tile Windows Lite - Arrange Your Windows Swiftly!
Features of Tile Windows free version are:- resize and move a window to fill left half (OR right half) of the screen
- resize a window to fill the entire screen
- customizable shortcuts

Download now and increase the efficiency of your workflows. This software will proven be very useful whether you're a businessman, an image editor, architect, or even a video game fan.
File Size: 366.42KB
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6
Developer: Carsten Mielke Media Service
Tile Windows Lite for Mac 1.1 --- follow the link to download!
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